A Guide to Creatively Handling a Child's Dental Health
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A Guide to Creatively Handling a Child's Dental Health

My family's dental health is important to me. Unfortunately for me, it is not as important to my little ones. Getting my kids to brush and floss on a daily basis is almost like taking on an obstacle course. I talked to my family's dentist about different methods I could try to encourage them to brush and floss on a regular basis. Some of the tricks worked, some did not. After some experimentation and talking to other parents, I was able to come up with a lot of great tips for helping kids care for their teeth. I started this blog to help other parents get creative when it comes to their kids and dental care.


A Guide to Creatively Handling a Child's Dental Health

3 Tips For An Easier Recovery From Dental Implant Surgery

Bella Snyder

Dental implants are the strongest and most natural-looking replacement for teeth that have been lost. Unfortunately, many people experience bleeding, swelling, and discomfort as they recover from implant installation. Here are a few tips that can make implant surgery recovery as quick and painless as possible.

Maintain Good Dental Hygiene

Keeping your teeth clean while you are recovering from dental implant surgery is essential to prevent the dental sockets around the new implants from becoming infected. While no special cleaning techniques are required during your recovery, you should maintain a diligent routine of brushing at least twice and flossing at least once per day.

In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing with mouthwash after every meal will help to wash away food particles that can cling to the teeth and increase acid production from the bacteria in your mouth. As an alternative to mouthwash, you may choose to rinse with warm salt water. Salt water will reduce the level of acidity in your mouth and make it harder for dental bacteria to survive.

Eat a Soft Food Diet

Chewing with new dental implants places pressure on the sensitive areas of the gums beneath the implants. This pressure will lead to an increase in bleeding and swelling, so you should avoid tough, chewy foods entirely and try to stick to a soft food diet if possible. Oatmeal, noodles, soup, eggs, and fish are all excellent foods to incorporate into your diet during your recovery to keep the stress on your gums at a minimal level.

Control Bleeding and Swelling

Even if you are eating a soft food diet, some bleeding and swelling of the gums is to be expected. Your gums will bleed the most during the first day after the implants are installed. A good way to manage this bleeding is to apply gauze or a moist tea bag to the bleeding areas of the gums. Tea contains tannic acid that can help blood clot more quickly and put an end to bleeding sooner.

Holding an ice pack against your jaw is the best way to manage swelling while you recover. Be sure to place a cloth between the ice pack and your skin and only use the pack for 10 to 15 minutes at a time to protect your skin from frostbite.

Keep these tips in mind and follow your dentist's instructions for the use of antibiotics or painkillers for a fast and easy recovery from dental implant surgery. Visit websites like http://www.cresthillfamilydental.com for more information about the process.
