My family's dental health is important to me. Unfortunately for me, it is not as important to my little ones. Getting my kids to brush and floss on a daily basis is almost like taking on an obstacle course. I talked to my family's dentist about different methods I could try to encourage them to brush and floss on a regular basis. Some of the tricks worked, some did not. After some experimentation and talking to other parents, I was able to come up with a lot of great tips for helping kids care for their teeth. I started this blog to help other parents get creative when it comes to their kids and dental care.
Bella Snyder
One of a child's major growth milestones is losing his or her first tooth. As a parent, you might see it as a sign that your baby is growing up way too fast. However, the fact is, your child's primary teeth have to fall out at some point so that the child's permanent teeth have room to grow. However, if your child loses a tooth before he or she reaches school age, you might be wondering if he or she is too young to begin losing teeth -- and whether you should be worried that your child lost a tooth at such a young age.
How Old Are Kids When They Start Losing Teeth?
It's common for children to begin losing their baby teeth between ages five and six. However, children can start losing their primary teeth as young as age four or as old as age seven. When your child starts losing baby teeth, you can expect the teeth in the front of the mouth to fall out first. Children typically lose their baby molars between ages ten and 12.
Is the Age a Child Loses Baby Teeth Important?
Your child's baby teeth help him or her learn how to speak and chew properly. However, their main job is to act as a placeholder for your child's permanent teeth. The primary teeth normally remain in place until the permanent teeth push them out when they begin to grow. The age that your child begins losing baby teeth is important, because if the baby tooth falls out too early, there's a chance that the permanent tooth won't grow correctly. Losing baby teeth too early can also cause your child's bite to shift or the gap between the teeth to close so much that the permanent tooth doesn't have the room needed to grow.
When is Losing Baby Teeth Early Okay?
It isn't easy to determine when losing a baby tooth early is too early, because the age span in which children lose their baby teeth is vast. However, it is common for parents to wonder if their child has lost his or her first tooth too early. You shouldn't worry about your child losing baby teeth if:
Whether you're ready or not, your child will eventually start losing his or her baby teeth. Normally, losing a baby tooth isn't a reason to worry. However, if your child is younger than age four or hasn't begin losing his or her baby teeth by age seven, you should consider consulting a pediatric dentist. Click to learn more about this topic.