My family's dental health is important to me. Unfortunately for me, it is not as important to my little ones. Getting my kids to brush and floss on a daily basis is almost like taking on an obstacle course. I talked to my family's dentist about different methods I could try to encourage them to brush and floss on a regular basis. Some of the tricks worked, some did not. After some experimentation and talking to other parents, I was able to come up with a lot of great tips for helping kids care for their teeth. I started this blog to help other parents get creative when it comes to their kids and dental care.
Bella Snyder
Swimming has been a favorite sport since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, with the luxury of a pool, you may need to make some choices because they can take a toll on your oral health. Research has uncovered several issues that may have a direct impact on the extent of the damages your body obtains from chemicals used to keep the water pH balances in line with what is required by law.
Dental Enamel Erosion
A study conducted in 1982 stated frequent swimming produced several symptoms in athletes. The chlorine and other cleaning solvents used to keep the pool clean are not so friendly to our body. As a result, some of the swimmers studied displayed pain when chewing, white/chalky teeth, rough/gritty teeth, and yellow/transparent teeth. However, after an inspection it was found metal fixtures had signs of corrosion and some exposed unpainted cement may have added to the issues suffered by the swimmers.
Do it Yourself?
Should you take the chance and save the money required to have your pool professionally maintained? This is one of the questions you must consider. If the pool chlorination level is not right, you will suffer the consequences. Professionals are costly, but the pool's pH levels must be tested weekly. One study revealed with a do-it-yourself person performing all the maintenance found the main cause of dental erosion was the pool.
Levels of pH
It is a vital step to maintain the correct balance in your pool ranging from 7.4 to 7.8. Simply stated, this means the minerals and chemicals in your mouth, combined with the acidic pH balances in the pool can cause your teeth to present a discoloration. Anti-microbials are chemical additives that produce a higher pH level than saliva, causing the salivary proteins decomposition, therefore, forming deposits especially on their front teeth.
Gas-chlorinated Pools
You must remember, your teeth may begin to dissolve if the pool becomes acidic because of hypochlorous acid is formed. Most pools usually have a chemical to counteract this effect, such as ash. One report stated within 27 days, dental erosion began with a competitive swimmer. Fluoridation of your teeth could slow the process.
Now that you understand how frequent swimming can impact your dental health, it is up to you to decide what to do with this information. If you don't see yourself cutting back on the swimming anytime soon, consider hiring a professional to keep the pool pH level where it is supposed to be. Also, be sure to stay updated with affordable dental care.